Monday, July 31, 2017

Breaking Barriers Workplace Discussion

[Image credit: Jopwell]

Challenging Forces that Prevent Equal Opportunities in the Workplace

This discussion guide is part two to our Confronting the Issues Discussion and outlines challenges in the workplace more specific to women of color. Studies prove that the challenges for women of color in the workplace are due to both gender and racial bias.

For example, according to LeanIn.Org and McKinsey and Company’s 2016 Women and the Workplace Study, “Women of color are the most underrepresented group in the corporate pipeline, lagging behind white men, men of color, and white women. Even though they make up 20 percent of the U.S. population, women of color hold a mere 3 percent of C-suite positions, despite having higher aspirations for becoming a top executive than white women. Compared to white women, women of color also report that they get less access to opportunities and see a workplace that is less fair and inclusive. They are 9 percent less likely to say they’ve received a challenging new assignment, 21 percent less likely to think the best opportunities go to the most deserving employees, and 10 percent less likely to feel comfortable being themselves as work. And in all cases, Black women appear to be the most disadvantaged.”

This guide is great for teams and leaders to become better allies in the workplace.


  1. Download the Breaking Barriers Discussion below. 
  2. Print your copy and use it for your discussion. 
  3. Organize your meeting or event and schedule a date.
  4. If you don't mind informing us, let us know how it went!