Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Latinas Equal Pay Day Commemoration Project

November 2 is Latina Equal Pay Day 2017, which marks the day in the calendar year that Latinas have earned as much as white men did in the previous year. Latinas earn an average of just 54 cents to $1 earned by white non-Hispanic male workers. - The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)

 About the Latinas Equal Pay Day Commemoration Website: The project will feature women with Hispanic or Latino ancestry who have leadership stories to tell and aims to inspire other women with a mission to close the pay gap.

 If you could look back on your career or education, what information could you pass on that could be helpful to others? We are looking to feature responses on the commemoration website in honor of Latinas Equal Pay Day.

 Visit www.latinasequalpayday.org


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