On average, women make just 80 cent compared to women. Yet the gap starts to shift when we examine various groups of color. Black women working full time, year round typically make only 63 cents for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts. For Latinas this figure is only 54 cents, for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women it is 59 cents, and for Native women it is 57 cents. While Asian women working full time, year round are typically paid only 87 cents for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts, the wage gap is substantially larger for some subgroups of Asian women.—NWLC
Join us on April 10th for Equal Pay Day for all women. Participate in the Twitter Storm at 2 PM Eastern. Feel free to download any of the following graphics and share our sample tweets.
Sample Tweets:
1. The disheartening truth is that women of all backgrounds are predisposed to unequal pay. #equalpay #20percentcounts #leaninwomenofcolor #talkpay
2. 80 cents represent the pay gap for the average woman. Yet when you look at the pay gap by race, women of color are considerably affected. Together we must put an end to unequal pay. #equalpay #20percentcounts #leaninwomenofcolor #talkpay
3. Not much has changed since 1985. With a 15 cent increase, women still make less than men. Sadly, it will take at least 40 more years to close the pay gap with just 20 cent more. #equalpay #20percentcounts #leaninwomenofcolor #talkpay
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