Monday, April 29, 2019

Negotiating Successfully Discussion

Learn negotiating techniques for a new job or pay raise.

In this guide, Learn concrete steps to negotiate for a salary or raise. We also reveal how gender and racial stereotypes influence the outcome and explain how you can work with those stereotypes to achieve your goals.

The guide provides step by step instructions to facilitate your session and access to online assistance.

As a result of this session, you will locate ways to enlarge a peer support network and fuel your professional success.

As an educator or leader, grab the tools you need to be a successful ally or bridge-builder.  


  1. Download the Confronting The Issues Discussion below. 
  2. Print your copy and use it for your discussion. 
  3. Organize your meeting or event and schedule a date.
  4. If you don't mind informing us, let us know how it went!


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