Thursday, August 8, 2019

Closing the Pay Gap for Black Women

Gender and race equality and equity are critical in organizations that want to perform at their highest level. However, currently, black women have to work 233 more days than white non-hispanic men to earn the same amount of money. We can do something about it.
With a coalition led by Lean In Women of Color,  Lean In Illinois, Lean In Michigan, Lean In St. Louis, Latina Surge and partners such as The Impact Alliance NFP, the Chicago Council on Science Technology, and Studio B are hosting  panel discussions to raise awareness about the pay gap impacting black women in the United States. The conversation will be based on the movie “Invisible Warriors: African American Women in World War II,” that chronicles the story of the first Black women to work in industry and government administrative service during World War II. During this event, you will learn more about black women pay gap, what different organizations are doing to tackle this issue, and the different steps you can take to make a difference.


St. Louis


New Jersey


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