Wednesday, February 21, 2018

AAPI Equal Pay Day


The forecast for this week looks stormy— Twitter stormy that is! This Thursday, February 22, is Asian American and Pacific Island Women (AAPI) Equal Pay Day. A coalition has formed for a Twitter storm to highlight the key barriers surrounding this day to promote the elimination of the pay gap. The social media conversation will begin at 2 pm ET.

Yes, we women and gender non-conforming people are still fighting for equal pay! Stats show that AAPI women are paid only 86 cents for every dollar that white, non-Hispanic men are paid. This number may seem high, but AAPI is a diverse community. In truth, AAPI women are among some of the highest and lowest paid workers. 

While Asian women seem to be the highest paid group out women, South Asian women suffer from some of the lowest numbers, some making only 44 or 38 cents to a dollar in comparison to their white male counterparts. | 
Source: American Community Survey 2011–13 data
Why is this issue not being taken seriously? One answer is due to the “Model Minority” myth.
A “model minority” is defined as a minority group that is perceived to achieve more socioeconomic success than the general population. This success is measured by the perception of income, education, and high family stability of that minority group. This means, because of stereotypes, the AAPI women community is often overlooked due to their ability to have access to certain opportunities. In addition, they face a common set of biases every day which can obstruct their sense of mobility in the workplace and society.

This inclusive fight is for anyone in favor of equity and fairness.  The AAPI women and gender non-conforming community need you to stand with them!

Check out the Equal Pay agenda for AAPI women at To keep the discussion going, visit Don't forget to join us on February 22nd, at 2 PM Eastern on Twitter. Let’s make it storm.

#LeanInWomenofColor #20PercentCounts #AAPIEQUALPAYDAY #NotYourModelMinority #MentorHer


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